Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Modern Problems (i.e. Grand Jury Subpoenas)

With all the news coverage about problems with the government of Harris County (i.e. the district attorney's office, the tollroad authority, the metro transit authority, and the commissioner's court) let us not forget about the government of Houston. I've lost count of how many former Houston officials are in, or served prison time (i.e. Ben Reyes and Monique McGilbra). Right now, the feds are investigating some past city business.

"Work on the three facilities began during the administration of former Mayor Lee Brown."

I've had a theory since Bill White began all of his controversial projects that generate revenue (i.e. safe clear, red light cameras, apartment complex and convenience store security) stem from the messes made by Lee P. Brown. Although Bill White will never publicly admit it.

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