Wednesday, October 15, 2008

San Antonio Officers Put At Risk By Their Own Chief?

"Citing research that links Tasers to the deaths of drug users, San Antonio Police Chief William McManus announced a new policy banning the use of the weapons on anyone known to be under the influence."

Which research? Obviously Chief McManus didn't read this article. Plus, can anyone show me an article where an officer who was tased during training has died? How about someone on PCP? We all know someone on PCP has superhuman strength and have been known to cause major damage to people and property. Yet Chief here expects his officers to physically fight with someone on PCP. I am sending an email for clarification on this. After all, I'd hate to think Chief McManus would prefer his officers risk death or injury fighting someone under the influence rather than simply tase them and risk the bad press that comes with the death of a crook who made the wrong choice.

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