Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Ray Hill in a Quandary
"Ray Hill, who has been a consultant and lobbyist for adult businesses, said police should have captured the men sooner."
First of all, the fact that these guys are caught is testimony that the police were working. Hill is just trying to get some free press. Besides, I'm surprised Ray Hill even cares about crime victims. In the past he has been the chronicle's "convict advocate" and "criminal justice advocate." Ray Hill did time in prison for burglary. Meaning at one point in his life he felt righteous and justified breaking into other peoples' homes and stealing their stuff. He went on champion rights for inmates because they weren't being treated kindly enough. He does (or did) a show on KPFT called the prison show or something like that. Where they talk about how sad inmate life is and for their families. While I see how their families can be affected, I wonder if anyone on that show stopped to consider two things. First, the victims' families. As usual people who stand for prisoners rights usually have little or nothing to say about the people they hurt. Second, if the convicts' families were so important to the convict why didn't said convict think about them before pulling that trigger, or robbing that individual/store? Anyhow, it's hard to tell where Ray's convictions lie. See, Ray is a gay man. Not that I, nor anyone else should care. However, remember Paul Broussard? He was the victim of a gay bashing murder back in 1991. A group of punks came down to the Montrose area looking for gays to attack. They found Mr. Broussard and friends and went on the attack. Mr. Broussard was brutally murdered. A crime that deserved the death penalty in my opinion.
"In a strange twist, the killers have an advocate in longtime Houston gay activist Ray Hill, who has befriended the men since their imprisonment."
Wow! I would imagine that even Ray would support keeping those animals locked up, but I guess his love for criminals takes precedence over his own sexual orientation.
"What we have is a bunch of teenagers, drunk and stoned -- chemicals played a major role in this -- who came to Houston from The Woodlands," Hill said."
Ahh, the old "it's not their fault" argument. I love how these 'advocates' are telling society to just suck it up and let predators loose.
"Hill said Thursday that he has contacted a lawyer to try to stop the Aguirres' deportation. "
According to the link, the Aguirres are 'Mexican nationals' (meaning illegals). So Ray thinks illegal aliens who commit murder ought to be welcomed in our homes.
Now, Ray is bashing police for "dragging their heels" because the victims of these two predators were seedy establishments. I didn't think Ray would want either one of these guys to spend time in prison since life there is so horrible. Perhaps there were chemicals involved and they were just bored and out looking for trouble. I guess Ray doesn't know one of the robbers has been in the pen like he was. Well, later on Ray will be championing for their release and will become their best friend. I wonder if Ray stumbled upon a man raping a woman in the middle of the street what would he do? Would he actually help the woman? Would he call 911? Or would he help hold the woman's feet so she couldn't kick her attacker?
Friday, December 19, 2008
Shelton Update...
"First, he spent the three years from September 26, 1997 to September 26, 2000 suspended from the practice of law for conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation, and the period from March 27, 1998 to March 26, 1999 doubly suspended from the practice of law (I couldn’t find an announcement in the Texas Bar Journal explaining why, possibly because he was already suspended at the time)."
"Third — and I think this ties all the threads together neatly — Sandoval is appointed to juvenile cases almost exclusively by Harris County Juvenile Court Judge Pat Shelton — the father of Elizabeth Shelton."
Anyone else smell an odor here? Not the first time Harris County has allowed odd ball associations in its court. Not often I praise defense attorneys, but excellent post Mr. Bennett!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Elizabeth Shelton still showing poor decision making abilities
"Shelton, her family and the family of the boyfriend who was killed are suing for $20,000 for the destruction of the Lexus SUV she was driving and an undetermined amount for mental anguish, pain and suffering."
So, she is actually arguing that while she was driving drunk, she rear ended a box truck, killed her boyfriend, and she's suffering mental anguish! What is wrong with this girl? Is she still in denial about what she did? Or is she still trying to convince the public that it was the other driver's fault and we should ignore the fact she was underage, and drunk? I didn't want to lump her in with her father's position as a judge. Even public servants can have bad apples. Yet, according to the article, her family, and the family of the dead man are also suing the box truck driver. I guess that entire bunch share the same lapse in reasoning Elizabeth does. Good lord what is wrong with these people?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Why Do People Hate Insurance Companies??
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Harris County District Attorney's Office Changing, and Losing a Blogger
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I Figured It Would Happen
"Five of the indictments - against two district judges, two special prosecutors and the district clerk - were dismissed because Guerra was the alleged victim, witness and prosecutor. The indictments accused the five of abusing their power by being involved in a previous investigation of Guerra."
I thought that a prosecutorial no-no. So, the way I understand it, Guerra abused his power to get indictments against others accusing them of abusing their powers to investigate him.
Well, this is no surprise to me. From the start I couldn't see this getting past a judge, somewhere. Guerra has demonstrated his mental instability over and over again.
The Houston Chronicle has also been following this story.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Mexican Problems, Chronicle Blames US
"Gangsters have honed in on this city because of its glut of gun shops, its proximity to the border, and its long-established networks for smuggling narcotics into the United States, federal law-enforcement officials said."
So, does this mean this is our fault?
"The need for arms is increasing as Mexican drug cartels are battling one another and the government after President Felipe Calderon made restoring the rule of law his priority upon taking office two years ago."
Ahhh, so the Mexican government is to blame. I know the article didn't mean for this line to be interpreted like this be we all know how corrupt the government and system of justice is down there.
Basically it works like this. Someone goes into a gun store and either makes a legal purchase and in turns sells (or gives) the weapons to someone who shouldn't have them. Or the person uses false information/documents to make the purchase. The gun stores ARE NOT knowingly providing guns to Mexican drug cartels.
"The task may be difficult, but U.S. officials have an obligation to do more to keep guns on this side of the border, Mexican authorities say."
Typical arrogance of the Mexican government. Perhaps if corruption wasn't a way of life down there then Mexico wouldn't have half the problems it has. How about the Mexican government doing more to make its citizens want to stay there and now want to come up here? How about the Mexican government do more to keep illegal drugs out of our country? Neither will happen.
"Mexico's weapons laws are far stricter than those in the United States, making it difficult for civilians to purchase guns and ammunition. U.S. citizens crossing into Mexico have been sent to prison for having accidentally left guns or ammunition in their vehicles."
Yet criminals have no problems getting guns and right under the government's nose. Plus, U.S. citizens have wound up in Mexican jails for being found with a single bullet in their cars. Well, those citizens that couldn't bribe their way out of it. Mexican police have a practice of setting up naive Americans (i.e. having someone sell them drugs) and arresting the citizen until the citizen can cough up a nice little bribe to get out of it.
The point is that the Mexican government is the source for most of these problems. If they didn't tolerate public corruption and actually swung their economy to make people want to stay there then Mexico would be a better place for its own people. Yet, hardly anyone wants to realize that. It's easier, and preferable for Mexico and our own media to blame us for the problems.
Chronicle Just Noticing Again...
"....the crime has steadily become more prevalent among local youths, particularly in low-income areas, said Assistant District Attorney Belinda Smith."
Isn't there also drug dealing, robbery, prostitution, burglary, and other thefts occurring too often in low income areas? See the common denominator here?
"A University of Chicago report this year found dogfighters in that city were introduced to the crime as early as age 9.
The university's research suggested that dogfighting was used "to work out other street or gang conflicts, and as a means to earn money that can range from as little as $20 to as much as several hundred dollars."
Gang conflicts? I don't see the crips and bloods settling their differences over a dog fight. The hood mentality wouldn't allow these thugs to accept defeat based upon the performance of a dog. If this were so, then you'd have shootings over the results of dog fights. These guys are still shooting and killing each other. I wonder how the university conducted its research. When academia tries to research life on the streets watch out. Getting those guys out of their ivory towers and into the real world takes an act of Congress. That's why they have a lot of polls.
How many other negative traits are glorified by rappers (and sometimes the media)?
While popular in 'da hood' cock fighting is popular south of the border. There are also cock fighting networks in Houston due to migration (both legal and illegal). Either way, in my humble opinion, people who engage, or watch these sports are primitive throwbacks. I would say they are no better than animals, but that would be an insult to animals.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Juan Guerra a Little Crazy Part 2
"... Guerra pounded the table and accused Banales of giving the defendants special treatment in allowing motions to quash the indictments to be heard before the defendants were arraigned.
"Now all of a sudden there is urgency!" Guerra shouted at Banales. "Eighteen months you kept me indicted through the election!"
To me, Guerra contradicts himself with this statement, showing that this whole crusade of his is personal. He lost the democratic primaries last month and is trying not to go gently into that good night. Remember originally Guerra said he didn't indict the Vice President, the grand jury did? Someone needs to remind him that the grand jury indicted him not the judge.
"What came out today was the mental state of the prosecutor was exposed to the court," said Tony Canales, co-counsel representing private prison company The GEO Group. But that talk only incited Guerra, who said he's heard himself called "loco" before."How about "loco que una rata sh**house!"
Friday, November 21, 2008
Hey Mikey!!!!
Hey Mikey! Got a question for you! How come you can say to Texas that we have enough federal money to rebuild from our natural disaster yet you lacked the balls to tell Louisiana the same thing? No disrespect to Louisiana, but we're better managed, more prepared, and we do depend less on you incompetent feds for support. Oh well, to hell with you and the federal government! I guess because Texas is better managed and run and more financially responsible disqualifies us from federal money. We don't need to follow the example of Freddie and Fannie and auto industry just to receive federal money.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
HPD Armchair Quarterbacks its Officers
"Sgt. Andrew J. Washington and Officer Cecil A.T. Foster did not use sound judgment and did not follow department policy in the incident."
The department policy, they didn't talk to the man at the end of the chase! One officer was given a 1-day suspension and the other officer was given a written reprimand. Both are appealing their punishments.
One could ask if Chief Hurtt and IAD were watching the video through the eyes of an officer in that situation, at that exact moment in time. Or with the eyes of a long time police administrator trying to use the benefit of hindsight, and "what ifs." Because the city is now being sued over this were they watching this video looking for the slightest policy violation so disciplinary action could be handed out to cover the city? Watch the video at the end of the chase. You can hear officers giving verbal commands which are plainly being ignored, so they are talking to him but he isn't listening. I guess that isn't included in the HPD definition of "sound judgment" and "talking to the man." Keep in mind, when an administrator like Hurtt uses the term "sound judgment" it means one of two things. The first is that the officer did something contrary to common sense that it is unfathomable (not this case). The second meaning translates "with the benefit of hindsight and from my cushy armchair this is what I would have done knowing what the outcome is!" What Hurtt has also done is given ACLU-police hating attorney Randall Kallinen an argument to give to a jury of potentially ill-informed people who will believe that C-A-T really spells dog if you tell them right. Kallinen is now saying this policy violation proves his case. No it doesn't. What most people don't understand is that a violation of policy doesn't mean a violation of the law or liability. Department policies are rules and guidelines that are supposed to have all officers act the same way in any situation. Well, policies, like laws are interpreted differently by different people. Also, policies cannot foresee every possible situation and that's when officer discretion has to kick in. Think about this, situations can change in an instant, policies and procedures don't change. For example, let's say a department has a policy that says officers, while involved in a vehicle pursuit, cannot chase the criminal the wrong way on the highway. Okay, that is fine and dandy. Let's say the man running just killed a woman and kidnapped her baby. Knowing this policy he drives east in the west bound lanes and by stroke of luck, there is no west bound traffic. Now, what is this officer supposed to do? Follow department policy and not chase the kidnapper? Or use judgment and go after the kidnapper the wrong way on an empty road? Remember, situations change, polices don't.
At least HPD's internal investigation found the shooting to be justified. At least Hurtt could see that from the video.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
South Texas DA Maybe a Little Crazy
"Cheney's indictment on a charge of engaging in an organized criminal activity criticizes the vice president's investment in the Vanguard Group, which holds interests in the private prison companies running the federal detention centers. It accuses Cheney of a conflict of interest and "at least misdemeanor assaults" on detainees because of his link to the prison companies."
So, Guerra says because Cheney holds an interest in a company that runs federal prisons, this makes him responsible for 'misdemeanor' assaults. Okay, let's look at Juan Guerra's track record;
In February of 2007, the Brownsville Herald reported that four criminal cases and two civil cases had to be dismissed because of Guerra's absence from court. The reason for his absence was "his office computers were seized as part of an investigation that led to his Feb. 11 arrest."
Guerra was indicted himself until last month when a judge dismissed the charges against him for lack of evidence. Now, read further down the article at what Guerra did when threatened with contempt of court charges. He "camped in front of the Willacy County Jail, daring authorities to arrest him on a trespassing charge. Since last weekend, he's added livestock to the campsite." Are these the actions of a mentally balanced individual?
In August of this year, three county officials started a petition to remove Guerra from office.
In March of 2007, after an indictment against him had been dismissed, Guerra refused to take cases filed by the agencies that investigated him. This resulted in 23 criminal cases being dismissed. Guerra "vowed to push to dismiss cases until Police Chief Uvaldo Zamora and Chief Deputy David Martinez are fired" So, basically Guerra is refusing to do his job due to a personal grudge.
I'm sure by now you can see where this is going. Of course by reading the peanut gallery of chronicle comments many are joyous. Problem is they are so blinded by their hatred of Cheney and Gonzales they obviously have not taken the time to read the article and see the glaring problems with the character of Guerra. An interesting tidbit of information is brought out in this article.
"A second batch of indictments targeted public officials connected to Guerra's own legal battles.
Willacy County Clerk Gilbert Lozano, District judges Janet Leal and Migdalia Lopez, and special prosecutors Mervyn Mosbacker Jr. — a former U.S. attorney — and Gustavo Garza — a long-time political opponent of Guerra — were all indicted on charges of official abuse of official capacity and official oppression."
Going through the google searches on Guerra all of these names have turned up. All of these people that are under indictment now have been involved in some legal action against Guerra in the past. Guerra lost his bid for his fourth re-election in the primaries last spring. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out in the end. I imagine all the indictments will eventually be squashed. This reads more like a political statement made by a man with a grudge and a hammer.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Heard of Shoreacres, TX?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Chronicle Says Something Dumb
'Yes They Can To'
"Thanks to Barack Obama's victory, Houston children like 10-year-old Taiya Youngs say now there's nothing stopping them from reaching their goals. Watch as they share their dreams."
Questions. Who told this child that before last night she couldn't dream and be anything she wanted? What was stopping her before? Is the chronicle trying to say that after last night racism is no longer a problem? Does this mean the race victim mentality is dead?
Monday, November 3, 2008
Man Shot While Shooting at Cars
Friday, October 31, 2008
Updte: Lloyd Kelley Pays Out
Remember a couple of weeks ago when I brought to the forefront Rick Casey's article about Lloyd Kelley and his legal math?
Well, Mr. Casey has written a follow up article.
Mr. Kelley has paid the Ibarra brothers $115,000. Now, it doesn't stop there. The Ibarra brothers have filed a complaint with the state bar of Texas.
What a mess!

1-He's doing a project for school
2-He's supporting his meth habit (meth is big in the Katy area)
3-This is how he makes his living.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Rudi Lechner

One day in October, for the four years we go to Rudi Lechner's and celebrate Oktoberfest. I don't really know what Oktoberfest is other than the German equivalent of St. Patty's Day and another reason for us to get together and drink. We have good food, German beer, and my homie and I get the coffee goodnight which you see being made by Rudi himself. It's a tradition. As is the yearly trip to the Ren Fest. I'll be going on Nov. 9.
B-17 Pilot Tells a Story
The Houston Chronicle brings us the video of a WWII B-17 bomber pilot tell a story of being shot down. Watch and listen. Stories like this need to be preserved.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Meida drags out Jasper, TX again
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Record Early Voting Turnout

Early voting started yesterday and in Harris County a lot of people jumped at the chance to get their voice heard the first day. People were lined up here in west Harris County. It took roughly 30 minutes to get through the line and into the polling station. It is funny how come people feel their views and attitude need to be shared by everyone. For example, one guy drove his truck by the line and said "this shows all these people are unhappy with George Bush!" I looked at him and said "uh no sir people just want to vote!" This guy reminded me of Ted Rall. I saw him in the line striking up conversations. It was clear to me that he was a reincarnation of someone that drank Jim Jones' kool-aid. He is the type of person who is blindly one-sided and very selective about which facts he would bring into a debate and try to drown the other side out by shouting. He was the kind of person who will use the buzz words "censorship" and "freedom of speech" yet wouldn't have a problem jailing people who disagreed with him (if he had the authority). A woman walked up not knowing if she could vote here. She didn't know if she was registered in Harris or Fort Bend County. This clown jumps up calling the Harris County democrat party (trying to recruit her). I suggested she call the county clerk's office and ask. Although if she's too stupid to know where she registered to vote then maybe she ought not to vote. Okay, that's a joke, but a semi-valid point.
Then, an elderly lady just pushed her car (the white one) into the cramped handicapped parking space. I tried to help her back in by watching the other car. She totally ignored me when I told her to stop instead tapping the other car. She didn't even care! Fortunately the owner of the other car wasn't concerned, no harm no foul. Anyway, get out and vote and be polite and respectful about it.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Seems Like The Ibarra Brothers Can't Get a Break...
"(Randy) Sorrels says Kelley told the brothers the payment to Quanell X was for organizing a demonstration march."
KTRK's Jessica Willey did a story about the Quanell X fee. She got a rather defensive Mr. X. Did he get $20,000 to organize a protest and pack the courtroom with supporters? Were any of those in attendance paid to be there? Community activists get paid pretty well seems like.
Reading Ruth Rendon's article is enough to make one want to get a law license. That way anyone can get "crazy paid" as the rappers put it. Look at this "legal math."
"The brothers received a $1.7 million settlement earlier this year. Kelley asked the court for $2.2 million in legal fees but was awarded $1.4 million."
"Kelley said he had $300,000 in expenses, but a judge approved a reimbursement of only $51,000."
"The lawsuit says Kelley filed paperwork with the court showing $130,000 in expenses, not $300,000. The lawsuit filed says Kelley distributed $400,000 to each brother but has refused to distribute the remaining $900,000 of the settlement."
"Kelley has submitted a letter to the brothers asking for $256,311 for expenses "over $120,000 more than originally disclosed to either the plaintiffs or the court.""
If the Ibarras' allegations are true, the justice system (both criminal and civil) is really sticking it to them! Got to love lawyers!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Cop Killer Needs Mental Evaluation
Carnaby Shooting Video
"Carnaby's widow is seeking an undisclosed amount of money and hopes to get HPD's chase policy changed."
What changes could possible be made here? Knowing Mr. Kallenin's past views probably to end police chases all together. After all, ACLU lawyers have an annoying tendency to advocate letting the inmates run the asylum.
Click here to watch the video of the chase and the shooting. Keep in mind that the officers knew they were chasing a man claiming to be a federal agent and knew he was armed. When he finally does stop, two officers are on the passenger side trying to get him to come out. Then, Carnaby opens the door and as you can see, he is reaching down, an officer comes to him and cannot see his hands. Remembering this guy has weapons in the car, the officer, in fear for his life shoots then runs off getting out of the way. The way I see it, the only person responsible for this death is Mr. Carnaby himself.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
San Antonio Officers Put At Risk By Their Own Chief?
Which research? Obviously Chief McManus didn't read this article. Plus, can anyone show me an article where an officer who was tased during training has died? How about someone on PCP? We all know someone on PCP has superhuman strength and have been known to cause major damage to people and property. Yet Chief here expects his officers to physically fight with someone on PCP. I am sending an email for clarification on this. After all, I'd hate to think Chief McManus would prefer his officers risk death or injury fighting someone under the influence rather than simply tase them and risk the bad press that comes with the death of a crook who made the wrong choice.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Probably Never Heard of Outside of His Town

Friday, October 10, 2008
Same Old Tired Lines
"...immigrant groups, lawmakers and Hispanic activists, who predict it will boost the number of unlicensed and uninsured drivers on Texas roads. Others fear it will boost a robust black market trade in counterfeit documents."
These illegal operations have always been there and always will be. The underlying goal of these rouge lawmakers and activists are to legitimize illegal immigrants. That's always been their goal.
"It's a bad idea," said Rick Dovalina, a Houston attorney and past national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens. "If you look at it strictly as a public policy, the undocumented should be issued a driver license because they would be able to drive legally, and buy insurance, and protect other people in case they have an accident."
Of course someone from LULAC would say that. Yet, some insurance companies are already selling policies to people using the Mexican consulate identification cards instead of driver's licenses. Of course, I've yet to see what happens when these people get into an accident and try to file a claim.
"DPS officials insist the rule changes are not an anti-immigrant measure, but intended to safeguard the licensing process and reduce identity fraud and theft."
Ya think? After all, we wouldn't want any illegal voting going on would we (see previous post)?
"But at least one Texas lawmaker, Rep. Robert A. Alonzo, D-Dallas, called the DPS rule change unlawful profiling and said the state agency is ill-equipped to enforce federal immigration laws."
Of course! We can't have a discussion about illegal immigration without some fool trying to throw the buzz word 'profiling' in the mix. Apparently Rep. Alonzo doesn't seem to care that it is up to the person renewing the license to provide DPS with proof. So how is that profiling? It doesn't say "all Hispanics must show proof of their citizenship.." yet that is what Alonzo and LULAC will tell their lobbies. From past chronicle stories about sympathizing with illegal immigrants I imagine they agree. Although at the very bottom of the story you read this;
"But at the Houston driver's license office, air-conditioning technician Roger Cook favored the tougher rules for immigrants."
"If they're here illegally, they shouldn't be able to have the privileges of American citizens," said Cook, adding he missed six months of work last year while recovering from injuries received when an undocumented driver slammed into his car."
The Dead Do Have a Say
Anyhow, kudos to the Texas Watchdog for doing what Harris County should have been doing from the get-go. Four thousand "dead" voters could tilt an election.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Problems at the Chronicle???
What could cause the chronicle to have to lay off some of its people? Could it be its continued, blaring biases? Could it be the tendency to put editorials in the news sections? Could it be to embarrassingly obvious mistakes such as getting wrong the date of the worst terrorist attack on American soil? Could it be the thousands of angry public servants who probably cancelled their subscriptions along with many friends and family? I don't know but something over there isn't working. If money becomes tight over there perhaps the chronicle could have an ad page for "massage parlors" and transsexual escorts like the Houston Press does.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Intruder Killed in Home Invasion
"..he was having financial problems."
Well, sorry to hear that, but I don't feel bad in the least. This story is an example of how sometimes people have to fend for themselves before help can arrive.
Something I Noticed
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Court Agenda Items of Interest
"The court could authorize a transfer of all patrol contracts to the constables and require the
Sheriff's Department to provide general patrol service throughout the unincorporated
Yep! The idea is strip all of the contracts from the sheriff's department and give them all to the constable departments. Not a bad idea in my book. However, another idea that is a little troubling.
"It is recommended that constables not be allowed to establish SWAT capability. All
county law enforcement should use the HPD SWAT Team as a primary resource, with the
Sheriff’s Department to be used as a secondary backup if necessary.
Constables should be prohibited from acquiring high powered automatic weapons even if
they are furnished by a provider at no initial cost to the county."
So, the commissioners court had decided that HPD alone should provide SWAT services for the whole county (which they do now anyway). However the city of Houston gets priority. So, if they are unavailable and there is an armed hostage crises, Harris County is out of luck. Plus, why can't Constables, who are police officers by the way, be only allowed pop guns by the logic of the commissioners court? I'm assuming that they are including semi-automatic rifles in this definition here. Three years ago, Pct.4 deputies found themselves in a shoot out with a bank robber with an AK-47 rifle. The deputies had AR-15 rifles to defend themselves with. I guess (God forbid) there is a Columbine type school massacre going the Constables will have to wait for HPD SWAT to suit up and make it there while people are dying. I guess they think Constables can call 'time out' until HPD SWAT makes it out there.
So It Begins...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Ike's Pix 2
"..and our flag was still there.."
Damaged traffic signal on Hwy 6
Next three pictures are of a transformer box that exploded. Nobody was injured.
Next two of the damaged Alamo Drafthouse on Mason Rd. It was open two days later.
A Harris County Park that lost some trees. It will be okay.
Gas pumps that were destroyed on Clay Rd.
Ike's Pix
The street leading out of my neighborhood the next morning.
Me going down the Katy Frwy the evening before the storm. Notice how empty the Katy Frwy is on a Friday afternoon? That never happens.
Heading east on Katy Frwy looking for a place to eat. When the interstate is a ghost town that's a bad sign.
The swimming pool for the adjacent neighborhood.
Intersection of Mason Rd. and FM 1093
An empty parking lot. There is an Alamo Drafthouse, a Starbucks, and other businesses here.
Our provisions for the night of the storm. We underestimated what we needed.
The next two are a closed Exxon on Mason Rd.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Still Here
Thursday, September 11, 2008
How Ironic!
The Rush Begins
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Numbers Can Paint Any Picture You Want
"We need further analysis of the patterns we have discovered — that there are racial and ethnicity differences in how officers use Tasers and in who they are used on," Parker said Monday after presenting the audit to City Council's public safety committee. "We need to know why that difference exists."
Okay, fine. I can tell you the answer. However it won't be the answer that the chronicle, nor the racial pimps will want to hear. KPRC has the same story, yet slightly better facts even though the title implies faulty training in dealing with minorities. KPRC seems to be under the impression that minorities should be treated differently than the rest of the public. So when Hispanics become the majority around 2050, will whites be considered a minority and require special handling? I wonder how the news media will report on those numbers. I guess the notion of impartiality and treating people equally is lost on the media.
"The report noted 55 complaints filed against police officers for using their Tasers, only three of which resulted in discipline"
So it looks like HPD does respond to complaints. I notice the story doesn't specify what discipline was administered. Had the complaint been the illegal use, or exessive use of force the officer would either be fired or indicted. Was the discipline for the taser use at all? Or was it for some other policy violation? Again, you have to read between the lines and ask questions. Don't rely on the media to get the whole story. Now, pay close attention to this line.
"Auditors asked officers during focus groups exactly why they believe black officers use the Taser less than white officers.""Basically, the bottom line is they felt that African-American suspects related more to the African-American officer,"" said J. David Ahola, an auditor from Mir, Fox, and Rodriguez, P.C."
We have a winner!!!!! Does anyone realize what that statement means? It means that an ugly truth is rearing its head but because of the PC status quo hardly anyone dare mention it. I'd be surprised if the chronicle ever mentioned it. Many of the same black persons "who better relate to black officers" hate white people, especially white officers. Therefore, in an encounter with a white officer, the black person is more than likely to be confrontational, resistant, and more likely to run or fight a white officer than they would a black officer. An example of this mentality can be read here. White officers hear all the time "I don't want to talk to you, I want a black officer," or in the case of a simple disturbance "you're being racial, I want a Mexican officer here! Oh your last name is *******? Well you're not a real Mexican!" However, that kind of racism is acceptable to the media and the PC status quo. This kind of racism against white officers occurs every day and black and Hispanic officers are often called terms like "sell out" and "Uncle Tom" by other black people and Hispanic people. This further makes officers' jobs difficult. Yet the news media would never dare suggest the public become colorblind.
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Funeral
Estelle Getty
Ever since I heard the late Estelle Getty utter those words on TV they stuck in my head. It's true. Nobody likes funerals. Last Wednesday we went to Daniel's viewing in NW Houston. We brought a picture from New Orleans with the group and placed it on the table amongst the others. I saw some people I hadn't seen in a long time and some I've never met before. My wife and I browsed the photographs. Then it came time to walk up and view Daniel. I took a deep breath and prepared myself. We followed some friends and walked up to Daniel. Seeing a friend or family member laying in a casket brings a tidal wave of strong emotions and new realities. This was the guy who walked the Mississippi River with us. This is the guy who came to our old house. Now his body will spend eternity in this black casket. When faced with this, people turn to defense mechanisms. Everyone who stood there cried. Some harder than others. My defense mechanism became anger. Anger at why this happened.
"This is so f****** senseless!!!!!" My mind screamed.
My wife was crying hard. We walked out and looked back on the pictures. This is the Daniel I choose to remember. It also reaffirmed my faith in God. Now, I'm not a fiery preacher type or anything. I believe people should decide to have faith in God and vice versa. After all, God gave people free will. Some people would say if there really is a God why would this happen. I just can't accept that. I look at it in the way that God knows what will happen and if Harris County doesn't punish the killer, God will. That also made the whole situation easier for me to deal with. We then socialized, shared memories and shared laughs. That also helps the grieving process. I was also approached by friends and family members who read my last post and thanked me for writing it. I was humbled by it. I really am flattered that his family read and appreciated my post. I will never forget it. Nor will I forget Daniel's little niece. She couldn't have been more than ten years old and it was hard on her. How do you make a little girl make sense of this? I don't think you can. I just hope her parents help her through the grief.
The next day was the funeral. We arrived during the last half hour of the final viewing. We went in and viewed Daniel one last time. During the service some kid kept hollering and hooting. I know the kid can't possibly comprehend what is going on or that his or her behavior is not appropriate for this time. Then I wondered why the parent couldn't walk out of the service with the noisy kid. I thought that was inconsiderate of the parent. We then drove to the cemetery for the burial. We partook in the custom of laying a handful of dirt on the casket ourselves. Upon completing that, I saw the funeral director signal the cemetery crew who practically gave us the bum's rush. I can understand getting the bum's rush at a steak house, but at a grave side service? I thought funeral companies would give some time at the graveside for the family and friends before they started the burial. To me, it just shows a lack of sensitivity. That's just my opinion. Anyway, the whole day was emotionally and physically draining for everyone. Now, we try to get back to our regular routines while still going through the grieving process. I do tell myself while we go back to our normal lives, Daniel is looking down on us, beginning a new adventure in Heaven.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Rest In Peace Daniel
KPRC has a brief news story. Click here to read it.