Last year, the Democrats dragged a man that had just had a liver transplant to Austin and set him up on a hospital bed in the Senate Chambers in order to prevent the passage of Voter ID. They claimed up to 15% of democrat voters would be disenfranchised. But as it turns out, the entire Democrat primary process is designed to disenfranchise large numbers (over 33%!) of democrat voters. First, you have the primary, that chooses 2/3 of the delegates, then another third are chosen by those who show back up after the primary. those delegates disenfranchise those who could only attend the primary. Then on the national level they have almost 800 super delegates to disenfranchise even more voters.
DNC, your hypocracy is showing.
It's ridiculous...
The caucus was a trainwreck here. Talk about poor planning.
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